- Warsaw - Poland
Contact Me
If you desire a session, contact me for booking, send me a respectful message outlining your interest and level of experience.
If you are a novice say it honestly, it is not a problem, but I need to know it.
Before contacting me, make sure you have your preferences figured out, this is very important as I do not offer sessions to people who do not know about BDSM, and "only like to try".
Do not be shy; I know that you have been waiting for this moment for a very long time, and now it is finally there!
If you are a novice say it honestly, it is not a problem, but I need to know it.
Before contacting me, make sure you have your preferences figured out, this is very important as I do not offer sessions to people who do not know about BDSM, and "only like to try".
Do not be shy; I know that you have been waiting for this moment for a very long time, and now it is finally there!